Tea Time Crimes

The Haunting of Howard Wyning

Episode Summary

Pennsylvania farmer, Howard Wyning, went missing July 21, 1923 and it was weeks before it was discovered he was murdered. At first, it seemed like a robbery gone wrong. But as investigators learned about Howard’s situation at home, there were more complexity and motives for his death. In an attempt for justice, police and Howard himself urge those who know the truth to come forward.

Episode Notes

Pennsylvania farmer, Howard Wyning, went missing July 21, 1923 and it was weeks before it was discovered he was murdered. At first, it seemed like a robbery gone wrong. But as investigators learned about Howard’s situation at home, there were more complexity and motives for his death. In an attempt for justice, police and Howard himself urge those who know the truth to come forward. 

Tea of the Day: Sweetie Pie Chai

Theme Music by Brad Frank
