Tea Time Crimes

The First Female Detective: Kate Warne

Episode Summary

Get ready for this story because Alana can’t stop fangirling over Kate Warne. Decades before women were part of the police force, Kate Warne walked into the Pinkerton Detective Agency to apply to be a detective. Assuming Kate was there to work as a secretary, Allan Pinkerton was taken aback but ultimately swayed by Kate’s persuasive argument and agreed to hire her. Over the course of her life, Kate would prove to be an unbelievable asset to the Pinkerton Agency, solving murders, working undercover and saving the life of the President elect, Abraham Lincoln.

Episode Notes

Get ready for this story because Alana can’t stop fangirling over Kate Warne. Decades before women were part of the police force, Kate Warne walked into the Pinkerton Detective Agency to apply to be a detective. Assuming Kate was there to work as a secretary, Allan Pinkerton was taken aback but ultimately swayed by Kate’s persuasive argument and agreed to hire her. Over the course of her life, Kate would prove to be an unbelievable asset to the Pinkerton Agency, solving murders, working undercover and saving the life of the President elect, Abraham Lincoln.

Tea of the Day: Plum Deluxe Heritage Blend Black 

Theme Music by Brad Frank
