Tea Time Crimes

Mary Fields and Virginia Hall

Episode Summary

For this Christmas episode, we have something very special. It’s all about Alana! Grab a cup of eggnog or hot cocoa and enjoy the stories of two incredible women: Mary Fields and Virginia Hall…no gruesome crime involved! Sit in awe while we discuss the jaw-dropping strength of these women. We also have a very special guest today, Mary Kate Boylan, who will share some of her debut Christmas album and enjoy the story alongside Alana. Merry Christmas!

Episode Notes

For this Christmas episode, we have something very special. It’s all about Alana! Grab a cup of eggnog or hot cocoa and enjoy the stories of two incredible women: Mary Fields and Virginia Hall…no gruesome crime involved! Sit in awe while we discuss the jaw-dropping strength of these women. We also have a very special guest today, Mary Kate Boylan, who will share some of her debut Christmas album and enjoy the story alongside Alana. Merry Christmas!

Tea of the Day: Bubble Milk Tea drank/dranken/drunk/drunken by Meagan (!!)

Mary Kate’s website: https://www.marykateboylan.me/

Recommended Reading:

Theme Music by Brad Frank
